

  • Head, neck and shoulder area:
Headache; Migraine; Tinnitus; CMD (Craniomandibular Dysfunction); Neck tension; Shoulder arm syndrome; Tennis elbow

  • Move:
Scoliosis; Hunchback; Flat back; Hollow back; Static back pain; Static postural pain; Scheuermann's disease; Ankylosing spondylitis; Failure symptoms after a herniated disc; Postoperatively after an intervertebral disc operation; Pseudoradicular symptoms in arms and legs; Problems in the area of the SI joint (Ilio Sacral Joint)

  • Legs:
Hip discomfort; Postoperatively after hip or knee surgery; Arthritic knee pain; Developmental Knee Pain in Children; Knock knees; If one; Asymmetry of the axis of the legs; Leg length differences; Genu recurvatum; Ankle problems; Achillodynia

  • Feet:
Hallux valgus; Hallux rigidus; Hammer toes; Splay feet; Flat feet; Heel spur; Hypertonic and hypertonic foot muscles

  • Neurology:
Cerebral disorders; Paresis (e.g. peroneal paresis); Spastic paralyzes; Neurological complaints
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